*The correct signature number is 47,788. This video was made prior to the city’s most recent update.
54% of Portland voters cast a ballot against Ted Wheeler in the 2020 election. Today, our polling shows only 13% of Portlanders have a favorable view of his performance. Total Recall PAC is a grassroots political action committee formed to give voice to the Portland majority and hold Wheeler accountable for his ongoing harm. We simply can’t afford 3.5 more years of his failed leadership.
Oregon law allows voters to recall an elected official after they’ve been in office for at least six months. For Ted, that date was July 1. Volunteers are already gathering signatures in the streets now, and you can easily print and sign at home anytime. We have through early October to collect 47,788 signatures to force a Recall vote. We need everyone who believes Portland deserves better to volunteer and donate today. If you can help, we need your energy!
Here’s what Ted Wheeler had to say when asked in 2010 about an effort to recall then mayor Sam Adams:
“[A recall] puts the decision where it belongs with the voters. This is about the voters having a say. If I were in this position, I would want to have a clear signal from voters that I am capable of doing a good job or I would get the message that it is time for someone else to take up the reins. Either way I could move on and the community could move on.”
Source: Willamette Week, 2010
Portland, Ted is asking for a clear signal. Let’s send him one. It’s time for someone else to take up the reins.
2. SIGNATURE COLLECTION - Now through early October
Locate a petition near you or print and sign at home
3. RECALL VOTE - Approximately mid November: If Wheeler doesn’t resign, the City must hold the recall election within 40 days of signature verification
4. AFTER THE VOTE - Approximately early December: Wheeler’s responsibilities will be distributed among the remaining council members while a new mayor is elected
5. REPLACEMENT MAYORAL ELECTION - Within 90 days: The City must hold a special election to fill the mayor’s seat within 90 days
Total Recall PDX is a volunteer-driven organization of everyday Portlanders with a passion for democracy and accountability. We’re multiracial, multicultural, multigenerational - united by the belief Portland deserves better than Ted Wheeler, and and we’re working together on this important campaign for the future of Portland. Everyone can play a role. Get involved here!
Total Recall PDX is focused on one goal: removing Ted Wheeler from office. We are not supporting, endorsing, or affiliated with any potential mayoral candidates. We believe Portland can have a robust discussion about what, and who, comes next in the space provided by Wheeler’s removal. With Ted removed, majority representation can follow.
Audrey Caines, Campaign Manager
Danny Cage, Youth Coordinator
Alan Kessler, PAC Director
plus more than 350 volunteers
Send general inquiries to info@totalrecallpdx.com.
Total Recall PDX is a campaign with a plan to win a recall election. As with political campaigns, we have expenses such as petition materials, printing, staff salaries, and more. We also rely on hundreds of volunteers, pro bono services, and in kind donations from the community.
We’re up against a wealthy mayor who ignored voter approved campaign finance limitations when he donated $150,000 to his own 2020 campaign. We commit to being fully transparent with the community about how we spend the money we raise, and we’ll use the ORESTAR reporting system and associated campaign finance laws to ensure we’re transparent with the city and state as well.
As of July, we’ve received more than 1,100 donations from the community with an average value of $62. That’s an enormous well of giving, united in removing Ted, from across the political and geographic spectrum in Portland.

Please, consider supporting us with a donation below